Sunday 22 February 2015


Row row row away
Its time to leave the ship
Come on walk on the waters for a while
He’ll teach you the impossible
The inexplicable is His word

Time to let go and let God
Time to give it up and not give up
Hold on to the dreams instilled
Walk on where none has trod

The One who gave promise
Will not let you go
The one without change
Will hold fast till the end

Time for the blind faith
Faith in the healer of the blind
Faith in His eternal word
Faith in His gracious heart

The One who asked Abram
To leave it all
Made him a blessing
The illogical turned into reality

Time for the healing inside
He who cures mind and body
His hand outstretched
For you to reach out and touch it

O Come step out
Out from the comfortable zone
Of the boat that shakes in the storm
For He teaches to walk on the water


Sunday 15 February 2015


Be thankful is a stronger message that we usually fathom. The meaning goes deeper and beyond what is usually thought of.
Here we go..
Thanks for the food I eat
The nose to smell it
The teeth to chew it
The system within to digest it
Thankful for the air I breathe
The ability to breathe in and out
The capacity to use it efficiently
The body that does it on its own
Thanks for the clothes I wear
The senses to feel it
The mind to appreciate it
The cognition to pick my favorites
Thankful for the shelter I have
The legs that take me into it
The eyes to see it each day
The strength to clean it
Thanks for this thankful heart
That beats without stop
A brain very much alive
That thinks and thanks


I know it's been a while but heyyy am still alive and well!! It's the new year with new mercies and new miracles each day. It feel wonderful just to be alive and healthy. Working closely with hospital and patients has definitely given me a different outlook on life. Each day my prayers are turning more and more enriched with gratitude from deep within. A heartful of thanks that keeps overflowing for each of the teeny tiny blessings that are actually the biggest mysteries. Heyyy!! Am not crazy.. At least not yet :p .
PS. It's never too late for His promises and hence here comes my promise word for this year.
Titus 2:14
Looking for the glad hope, the revelation of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, so that he might make us free from all wrongdoing, and make for himself a people clean in heart and on fire with good works.